Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Public Displays of Perfection

So this is my second blog entry in one week... not bad? So today- here's was overwhelming my cerebral cortex:

Normal. What is it? Where does it come from? and...Have I/you ever known it?

Last night Courtney and I were sitting in my car at approximately 10:35pm EST when we were having this conversation. What is a normal "relationship," a normal "friendship," a normal "family," a normal "attitude," a normal "response"...etc. What in the world does "NORMAL" even entail!!?! And that, my friends, is the very key to how we seek "normal." THE WORLD.

Perhaps we tend replace "normal" with "perfection." And perfection, as we know too well, is unattainable on this earth. In actuality, I think normal might be everything we don't want it to be... everything except perfection. Normal, is in a sense, what we think is "abnormal..." i.e. hurt, betrayal, confusion, complicatons, stumbles, tripping over your own feet at very in-opportune times, telling lame jokes, experiencing awkward words/moments/questions...etc. The "abnormal" might actually be the only "norm" anything can be compared to because it is the only thing we all have in common. When we utter those words "I just want things to return to 'normal'" ...what do we actually mean by that? I was just thinking about it.

Here's something else to think about: choices. the road less traveled. the unexplored option. I don't have much light to shed on this subject... I've just been thinking it over. God is bringing me to this point where He is giving me two clearly defined paths in almost every area of my life. With no doubt, I can tell you that I will be directed down the lighted paths... I would just like to know when I'll get there! It's 11:11 right now... fake a wish.

Feelings. What do people mean when they ask you how you are "feeling?" Does it even matter? DUH. It matters. Right now God is using the words of Elisabeth Elliot to teach me about discipline in all areas... specifically the area of feelings...which surprisingly, I have! Check out what she has to say: "Feelings will not, as a rule, help us very much. Although impulse is not invariably bad, more often than not the choice will be between principle and impulse. What I ought to do and what I feel like doing are seldom the same thing. Be holy. Let us be honest in recognizing feelings and honest enough to reject them when they are wrong" -EE, Discipline, The Glad Surrender I understand God calling me to close a door. He will guide me in my response to His call (my normally abnormal response).

Whatever you are doing right now... stop it and read the third chapter of Ezekiel. then think about this quote I snagged from JE's diary:
"This problem of meeting a culture with truth from God is the most difficult kind of thing. One comes as a renovator, a conditioner of society, and society is in no mood to be conditioned. The fixedness of the human mind is the 'wall of Jericho' to Gospel preaching. God must shake, or there will be no shaking."- Ed McCully

Testimonies. Where to begin? Seriously...completing my testimony packet this week- pray that God gives words.

PROVISION! 3.825/5 of support goal as of this afternoon! Jehovah Jireh!

So, as aforementioned... I am terrible when it comes to collecting my thoughts... much less distributing them. My mother would not be proud (this is funny if you pick up on it!) Sorry this blog had no definite form or flow ...or much less, point. Or did it? Oh dear. Well, I feel like Gossip Girl or something with all this blogging that I'm doing...
On a serious note. Thank you all so much for all of the support you have given. I can never formulate the words to express my unconditional love for ALL of you! Thank you for your prayers and your encouraging words... and to those of you who have written songs about Africa :) God is teaching me so much about His timing, His provision, and His will... not only for August, but for His people.

In "Angolan," -- Glória a Deus! Glória a Deus! Aleluia! Louvado seja Deus!!!

Two songs I've been listening to all day:
Alli Rogers-- The Things We Can and Cannot Keep

Jack Savoretti--No Ones Aware

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